A Defensive Computing Checklist    by Michael Horowitz
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Dedicated Devices, Intro To Using a Satellite from a phone
Android Emergency Messages, Android NON-emergency Messages
iPhone Satellite Intro, iPhone Emergency Messages, iPhone NON-emergency Messages, iPhone Roadside Assistance
AT&T Satellite, Verizon Satellite, T-Mobile Satellite, User Experiences, See Also

Satellite communication comes into play when there is no cellular service and no Internet access. There are a number of different approaches and each has different pre-requisites.

  1. A dedicated satellite communication device -or- a normal smartphone
  2. Emergency texting only -or- texting with anyone
  3. A satellite hookup from your cellphone carrier -or- one from Apple/Google that works regardless of the cell carrier

Originally, this required dedicated devices. Apple lead the way on smartphone use with the iPhone 14 which did emergency texts. As of iOS18, iPhones can do normal texting. Some Android phones can communicate via satellite on their own, regardless of the cell carrier, but Google is behind Apple on satellite usage, they only offer emergency texting. AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile are in the process (as of Oct. 2024) of rolling out satellite communication to their customers. Dedicated devices require a monthly/yearly fee, cellphone satellite service has, so far, been free.

Not said in any article on this subject is this advice: use Google Maps to download a map of your area (or where you expect to be) ahead of time. With GPS, this should always tell you where you are. It can even suggest a route to a destination, but of course, without traffic information.


September 17, 2024: The best satellite phones you can buy: Expert tested by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes and Allison Murray for ZDNet. The reviews here are very short, so consider it a quick overview of some options. Every device discussed is the best for something, this article really exists to generate commissions, but it can still be useful. The ZDNet top pick is the Iridium GO! which, at the time, cost $855. They also liked Spot X which was $230. Other devices that were the best at something or other are Motorola Defy, Garmin inReach Mini 2, Thuraya XT-LITE and Inmarsat IsatPhone 2.1. The article says nothing about the ongoing cost of these devices.

Garmin (prices last checked October 2024)

  1. The Garmin inReach Mini 2 is $400 US. It can hold a charge for days, perhaps as long as a month. It has emergency SOS features, lets you send messages to your contacts, lets you share your location and provides weather updates.
  2. The inReach Messenger is $300 US
  3. The inReach Messenger Plus is $500 US. With an active satellite subscription, it can exchange photos and voice messages. It requires use of the Garmin Messenger app on your smartphone.
  4. Monthly plans start at $15.

The Spot X is $250 US (as of Oct 2024). It has emergency SOS features, lets you send messages to your contacts, share your location and get weather updates. Contract plans are year round and start at $12/month. Flex plans are a month at a time and thus best for seasonal use. They start at $15/month.

November 22, 2022: Why Should You Choose Garmin’s inReach Messenger Over the Mini 2? by Jakob Schiller for Backpacker. The new Garmin inReach Messenger is the cheapest and smallest Garmin device. Both the Messenger and the Mini 2 are two-way satellite communication devices. Neither has a keyboard. Both both have an SOS button for calling in the cavalry. Most of the time, they are used to send and receive messages by satellite with family and friends. The inReach Mini 2 is designed for the dedicated adventurer, the inReach Messenger is more suitable for the average consumer. With the Messenger, texting is made much easier by the introduction of the new free Garmin Messenger app.


What to expect when communicating via satellite from a phone

  1. You have to be outside with a clear view of the sky. Avoid trees. Clouds are irrelevant.
  2. Expect the phone to help you point it at the best satellite
  3. The speed is slow, it may take 30 seconds to a minute to send a text message
  4. Keep messages short
  5. For emergency messages, on both Android and iOS, the first step is to dial 911
  6. So far, the service is free (as of October 2024)

Emergency messaging works regardless of your cell carrier. General text messaging, however, is dependent on your cell carrier, despite communicating with a satellite. Dunno why.


In a nutshell:

October 9, 2024: How to use Android's emergency satellite texting if you lose cell signal by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. Satellite messaging is presently limited to 911 texts and it is only available on the four Pixel 9 phones. There is an option to notify your emergency contacts, so best to have them configured ahead of time. To use it:
Dial 911 -> you should see "Satellite SOS" -> Tap it -> "Use Satellite SOS" -> Start -> Answer the emergency questions -> answer the question about notifying your emergency contacts -> -> Prompts will show you how to aim your phone at the satellite.

Undated: Get emergency help through satellite with your Pixel phone from Google. It starts with dialing 911. If there is no cell service, there will be an option to use Satellite SOS in the dialer. Google does not say which version(s) of Android support satellite messaging.

Demo: There is a Satellite SOS Demo: Settings -> Safety & emergency -> Satellite SOS android satellite -> Follow the instructions. Your mobile network will be disabled temporarily and will automatically turn on when you exit the demo.

October 9, 2024: Android and iPhone satellite connectivity: What is it and what are your options right now? by Aamir Siddiqui and Andrew Grush for Android Authority. No Samsung phone currently supports satellite connectivity.

August 14, 2024: Google Pixel 9 is first Android phone to get satellite SOS messaging by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. The feature will be available on all Pixel 9 phones, regardless of the cell carrier. Google plans to bring it the Pixel 8 and the Pixel 7 through a software update. Currently, this feature is available only in the continental US (not Hawaii or Alaska). The service is powered by Skylo and it will be free for at least two years; the same as Apple iPhones.


In a nutshell:

December 17, 2024: Here's what satellite messaging could look like in Google Messages by Adamya Sharma for Android Authority. "Which app will support satellite messaging? Well, there’s already plenty of evidence to suggest that users will be able to text using satellite connectivity through the Google Messages app. It’s the default messaging app on almost all Android phones, and it doesn’t look like carriers will push separate apps for satellite messaging." They claim that the option to use satellite messaging will automatically appear when the phone has no cell or Wi-Fi signal. Somehow, they enabled satellite messaging options in Google Messages and the article has screen shots.



Satellite communication is a game that Apple is winning (as of October 2024). In November 2022, with the rollout of the iPhone 14, they offered Emergency messages by satellite, from a phone, well before anyone else. Then, in 2023, they expanded the service (with iOS 17) to add emergency roadside assistance requests (US only) from AAA. In December 2023, another flavor of emergency Roadside Assistance was offered for Verizon customers. In October 2024, Apple introduced normal messaging (text and iMessage) via Satellite. Here again, they were the first company to offer this service from a phone. They also offered normal text messages by satellite (again from a phone) before anyone else.

When the iPhone 14 was released, Satellite access was to be free for 2 years when you bought an iPhone 14 and registered it. After these two years were up, Apple offered a third year for free. The deal was the same for purchasers of a new iPhone 15 or 16, free satellite access for two years.

This is probably what iPhone users should read first for dealing with satellite access: Connect to a satellite with your iPhone from Apple. Last updated September 16, 2024. However, as I researched this it became clear that Apple does not explain things, they only offer a cheat sheet. If you understand a topic, fine, they tell you where to click and what to type. But, if you are new to a topic, their documentation is lacking.

October 9, 2024: How to use your iPhone to get help by satellite by Jonny Evans for Computerworld. A good article that gives you a feel for the many satellite options available to iPhone users.

Apple has a Satellite Connection Demo that Defensive Computing people should try out before trouble happens. Maybe today? To run the demo, you need to be outside, with a clear view of the sky. Also, Location Services should be enabled. The demo will disable your cellular connection before it runs (and restore it afterwards). The demo is real in that it will only work in an area where satellite access is actually available. The demo only simulates contact with emergency services. The Apple instructions do not say anything about Airplane Mode, so I'm not sure if it would interfere. To run the demo:

  1. Control Center -> Cellular button -> Satellite -> Try Demo. Does not exist on iOS 17.7.
  2. Settings -> Emergency SOS -> Try demo. This works on iOS 17.7.
  3. Settings app -> Apps -> Messages -> Satellite Connection Demo. Does not exist in iOS 17.7



iOS version 18, released in October 2024, allows iPhones to send normal, ordinary, boring text messages via Satellite. This is separate and distinct from sending emergency text messages. The emergency feature is discussed below on this page.

In a Nutshell (as of Oct 2024)

For iOS 18: Send a text message via satellite on iPhone from Apple. Despite using a satellite, this features requires an active cellphone connection from a supported carrier. Not all carriers support text via satellite, and some features may vary. No details on this are in this article. Sending messages to groups and sharing photos or videos not supported. Character count may be limited. When you connect, a green dot and a satellite icon appear at the top of your screen. If your connection weakens, the green dot turns orange, and a left arrow and a right arrow tell you where to point the phone to get the best satellite signal. Plain texts are simple. iMessage comes with rules

  1. Before needing satellite messaging, you have to turn on iMessage at
    Settings -> Apps -> Messages
  2. Make sure you either sent or received a message using iMessage recently (in the last month or so) from anyone you want to contact using iMessage via satellite.
  3. When iMessage is not available, the phone uses SMS
  4. Go to Settings -> Apps -> Messages -> Turn on Send as Text Message.

September 16, 2024: About Messages via satellite on your iPhone from Apple. This article contains these sections: How Messages via satellite works, Before you go off the grid, Use Messages via satellite, Other ways to access satellite features, Receiving texts via satellite when you're on the grid and Messages via satellite availability. The last topic is about the techie requirements, it is not a list of cellphone companies that support satellite messages.



Text messages via satellite for Emergency Assistance was introduced by Apple in late 2023 along with iOS version 16.1.

Note: Apple assumes you know what a "Medical ID" is. If you don't, see: Set up your Medical ID in the Health app on your iPhone from Apple.

In a Nutshell (as of Oct 2024)

Using Emergency SOS (as of Oct 2024)

Preparing for Emergency SOS

Articles about Emergency SOS



In a Nutshell

October 1, 2024: Use Roadside Assistance via satellite on your iPhone from Apple. The ability to us a satellite for Roadside Assistance is free for two years after the activation of an iPhone 14 or later. Paying for a flat tire is another matter entirely. There are four ways to request roadside assistance.

  1. In iOS 18 you can request it using the Connection Assistant: Control Center -> Mobile Data button -> Satellite
  2. In iOS 18 you can also do: Settings -> Satellite -> get a good connection to a satellite -> choose Roadside Assistance
  3. In iOS 17 and 18 you can request it in the Messages app. Send a message to "Roadside". If there is no Wi-Fi and no cellular coverage, there should be an option to request Roadside Assistance via satellite.
  4. Call 911. If the call won't connect, there should be an option to text either emergency services or a roadside assistance provider. Not clear which versions of iOS this applies to.

From Apple for iOS 18: Request Roadside Assistance via satellite on your iPhone Undated. Very short article. The procedure goes like this:
Send a message to "roadside" -> answer questions about your car -> connect to a satellite -> communicate with a roadside assistance provider

December 19, 2023: Verizon Roadside Assistance Now Works With Apple's Satellite Connection by Juli Clover for Mac Rumors. The Roadside Assistance via Satellite feature now works with the Verizon Roadside Assistance program. AAA roadside assistance was introduced along with iOS 17. Verizon provides its subscribers with the option to purchase Roadside Assistance for $4.99 per month. Verizon's roadside assistance program is run by the Allstate-owned Signature Motor Club. The service includes vehicle towing up to 10 miles in any direction, winching, fuel delivery, jump starts, tire service, and more.

September 12, 2023: Apple is adding Roadside Assistance via satellite to the iPhone by Jennifer Pattison Tuohy for The Verge. The Emergency SOS via satellite feature is expanding to cover flat tires and running out of gas when you are out of cellphone range. Assistance is provided by AAA both to their members and on a pay-per-use basis for non members. AAA warns that you will need to be located near a road to receive service as it does not provide off-road vehicle recovery. Buying and activating a new iPhone 14 or 15 will include two years of Emergency SOS and Roadside Assistance access for free.


AT&T works with AST SpaceMobile satellites.

October 9, 2024: Android and iPhone satellite connectivity: What is it and what are your options right now? by Aamir Siddiqui and Andrew Grush for Android Authority. Their best guess for when the AT&T satellite system will go live is mid-to-late 2025. But, it may well be later as the the satellite network is still in the early stages. On the upside, any phone should be compatible with satellite connectivity.

September 12, 2024: AST SpaceMobile Announces Successful Orbital Launch of Its First Five Commercial Satellites by AT&T. Peak data transmission speed is 120 Mbps. Real world? Does not say. As the earlier article said, these satellites cover 5,600 cells, so not the whole US. This Press Release says nothing about which phones are supported.

May 17, 2024: AT&T deal ushering in satellite calling and texting - no special phones needed by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. AT&T announced a deal with AST SpaceMobile for both satellite calling and texting to their subscribers. The feature is expected to being rolling out in the summer of 2024 with the launch of five satellites that can serve over 5,000 cells. To provide the service for the entire US, requires 45 to 60 satellites. The good news is that this will not require special equipment. The article does not say which phones will be supported. Satellite texting is a new feature in Android 15 and it is not clear if the service will work with older Android versions.

August 29, 2023 (last updated): How to Prepare Your Phone and Electronics for Hurricanes or Other Natural Disasters by Cordilia James for the Wall Street Journal.

  1. iPhone 14 users can use the Emergency SOS via Satellite service to contact emergency services when there is no cell service. Run a test to familiarize yourself with the process. You need to be outdoors with a clear view of the sky. Clouds do not block the signal, but trees do.
    Settings -> Emergency SOS -> under Emergency SOS via satellite, tap Try Demo and follow the instructions. Older iPhones can not do this. Most (all?) Android phones can not do this.
  2. For backup satellite communication, consider a specialized satellite-messaging device from Garmin or Motorola. They typically cost $400 or less, plus monthly service fees. But they are probably better at contacting a satellite and they let you communicate with anyone. The iPhone 14 feature only communicates with emergency services.


Verizon works with AST SpaceMobile satellites.

October 9, 2024: Android and iPhone satellite connectivity: What is it and what are your options right now? by Aamir Siddiqui and Andrew Grush for Android Authority. "One big difference between Verizon and T-Mobile’s solutions is that the former uses traditional satellites in space, while the latter uses low-earth orbit satellites which provide faster connectivity and better reliability. For basic messaging, this likely won’t have a notable impact, but as satellite technology improves and backup satellite data becomes possible, it will certainly matter more."

August 30, 2024: Verizon is adding satellite texting as soon as this fall, but not for all devices by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. The first phase of the new system will only allow location information and messages to be sent to first responders. Verizon said there will not be an extra charge for the service.

August 29, 2024: Verizon is going to launch satellite messaging this fall by Jay Peters for The Verge. The only confirmed phones that will work with the service are the Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, Pixel 9 Pro Fold. The initial service will be emergency messaging and location sharing. The plan is for sending text messages to be available some time in 2025. Verizon invested in AST SpaceMobile.

May 30, 2024: Verizon users could get space-based broadband connectivity as soon as later this year by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. They will work with AST SpaceMobile, the same company that AT&T uses. The service will work with normal cellphones, however there is no mention of which phones will be supported. Also not mentioned is the status of MVNO companies that use the Verizon cell network. AST SpaceMobile hopes for 100 percent coverage of the continental United States, but there is no timetable in the article. AST SpaceMobile has partnerships with more than 45 mobile network operators globally.

Text anywhere with satellite by Verizon. useless and undated.


T-Mobile satellite usage in a nutshell

  1. T-Mobile has partnered with Starlink and their low-Earth orbit satellites. Starlink has a 1-year period of exclusivity (as of Dec. 2024) with T-Mobile. After that, they can open up their network to other carriers.
  2. T-Mobile phones do not need any specific hardware or app to talk to a satellite
  3. If connected to a satellite, the network indicator should say "T-Mobile SpaceX" instead of "T-Mobile"
  4. Sending a text via satellite should be exactly the same as normal
  5. If a text message does not go through at first, try again

February 10, 2025: What you need to know about the T-Mobile Starlink mobile service by Jon Brodkin for Ars Technica. This article expands on the press release below. During the public beta of the service anyone with a supported unlocked eSIM phone can sign up. The only supported Pixel phone is the 9th generation. AT&T and Verizon are both working with satellite operator AST SpaceMobile. But AST SpaceMobile does not have as many satellites as Starlink.

February 9, 2025: T-Mobile Starlink Beta Takes Off. Beware: this contains more than a few lies. The system should automatically connect to a satellite when there is no cell service. The beta testing is free until July 2025. After that, T-Mobile customers with expensive plans get satellite access for free. The rest have to pay $15/month. If you are not a T-Mobile customer and your phone is supported, you can get satellite access for $20/month.

February 3, 2025: Shaky Signal, High Potential: T-Mobile Users Put Cellular Starlink Beta to the Test by Michael Kan for PC Magazine. SpaceX has launched over 400 satellites specifically designed to act as cell towers in space. For now, the system only supports SMS text messages and location sharing. Plans are to eventually support voice calling. The article got feedback on the current state of the Beta program from five users. More than a few complained that a connection to a satellite was hard to come by. However, when there was a strong signal, text messages were sent in seconds. One user noted that satellite connectivity through Starlink was a big power drain. Another person uses both this T-Mobile system and Apple's competing satellite messaging system which uses Globalstar. The Apple system had better connectivity to satellites.

February 1, 2025: Mobile Starlink Satellite Beta - Real World Test and First Impressions by Nicholas Kiefer on YouTube. Connectivity looks awful. He tested with an iPhone. One difference compared to Apple's Geostar satellite SOS features, is that with T-Mobile Starlink you don't have to point the phone at the sky. On the hand, maybe you should (see the video). The satellite connection is made automatically, but even standing still, the connection comes and goes. There are lots of comments that AST on Verizon and ATT is much better.

December 27, 2024: Some Galaxy S24, Z Fold 6 users start seeing satellite messaging feature by Asif Iqbal Shaik of Sam Mobile. T-Mobile customers who applied to beta test the company's T-Mobile Starlink service and who downloaded the December 2024 security patch may see a new option for Satellite communication. Customers in the US, must also have a Samsung Galaxy S24 or Galaxy Z Fold 6. Satellite communication will eventually work with any LTE capable phone, but, for now, T-Mobile and Starlink only support some phones.

December 16, 2024: T-Mobile users can try Starlink-enabled phone service for free during beta by Jon Brodkin for Ars Technica. Registration is open for the beta version of the system. The first feature is text messaging, just like everywhere else. The beta is open to all T-Mobile postpaid customers. While this should work with any recent phone, there are some that work better. Which ones? They don't say. One great feature: you should not need to hold the phone up to search for signal as with iPhones. And, both inbound and outbound messages are sent and received just like any other message. To date, SpaceX has launched over 300 satellites with direct-to-cell capabilities. There are long term plans for voice and data.

October 9, 2024: Android and iPhone satellite connectivity: What is it and what are your options right now? by Aamir Siddiqui and Andrew Grush for Android Authority. Quoting: "One big difference between Verizon and T-Mobile’s solutions is that the former uses traditional satellites in space, while the latter uses low-earth orbit satellites which provide faster connectivity and better reliability. For basic messaging, this likely won’t have a notable impact, but as satellite technology improves and backup satellite data becomes possible, it will certainly matter more." T-Mobile satellite access was originally expected to launch in late 2023, but it did not happen. There is no specific date for when it will go live. On the upside, any existing 5G smartphone should connect to a satellite.

September 11, 2024: T-Mobile Successfully Uses Starlink Satellites to Send Emergency Alert by Michael Kan for PC Magazine. T-Mobile is preparing to launch a cellular satellite system with SpaceX this fall. On September 5th, they ran a test demonstrating that Starlink satellites can deliver an emergency evacuation notice to users on the ground. T-Mobile claims that there are more than 175 Starlink direct-to-smartphone satellites currently in orbit. Previous tests showed that the same satellites can power video calls, a 17Mbps download rate and other internet functions. As to supported phones the article says that it works with iPhones, Google Pixels and Samsung Galaxy handsets. T-Mobile claimed that the Emergency Alert feature will work for Verizon, AT&T and other wireless providers too. That said, anything involving Elon Musk has to be taken with a grain of salt as he is a proven liar.

May 17, 2024: Is satellite texting coming to T-Mobile? Some users see the option on their phones by Artie Beaty for ZDNet. Several people running the Android 15 beta report having the satellite messaging option on their phones. This appears to be general texting to anyone, not just emergency messages. Only some T-Mobile customers have the option. It has appeared on a Pixel 7 and Pixel 8. It shows up at
Settings -> Network & Internet -> SIMs -> T-Mobile -> Satellite messaging

March 4, 2024: SpaceX's Cellular Starlink Hits 17Mbps Download Speed to Android Phone by Michael Kan for PC Magazine. The headline speed is 17Mbps, but there are two things that inflated that speed. For one, this speed is only possible in areas without cellular coverage due to radio interference. Then too, the Starlink satellites are currently orbiting about 200 kilometers below their final operating altitude. Higher satellites will be slower. At the time the article was written, Starlink had six direct cell satellites. Plans were for as many as 840. The goal is to launch the cellular Starlink system for T-Mobile customers later in 2024, at first just with SMS messaging. Later plans are for phone calls and internet support in 2025.



October 7, 2024: I'm a tech pro - but when a hurricane hit my mountain home, the disconnection shocked me by Steven Vaughan-Nichols for ZDNet. What its like to lose both telephone service and Internet access after a hurricane. Luckily for him, someone nearby had a working ATT satellite phone (see below). Briefly mentioned is that Verizon offers texting via satellite.

October 1, 2024: An overview of Satellite options by someone with experience. Above the storms: How satellite tech can be a lifesaver during natural disasters by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes for ZDNet. Both the Garmin inReach Messenger and the Spot X allow two-way text messaging, live tracking, and emergency SOS functionality. The author uses the live position tracking and text messaging features often, but considers the emergency messaging feature, more of a "just in case" insurance measure. The downside to each is cost, both initially to purchase and to keep them working on an ongoing basis. The Google Pixel 9 is the first Android phone to get satellite SOS messaging.

SEE ALSO   top

See also the page here on Power Outages and Natural Disasters and Emergency Alerts.

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