A Defensive Computing Checklist    by Michael Horowitz
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Extending The Lifespan Of A Battery(in years), Help The Current Charge Last All Day, Swollen Battery, Replacing a Battery, Assorted Battery Information

The two big issues with batteries are how long a battery lasts, in years, before it needs to be replaced (battery lifespan) and the amount of time a device runs before it needs to be recharged (battery life). This page addresses each.

All Lithium-Ion batteries can only be charged and drained a certain number of times. Each charge limits the maximum power capacity that the battery can store. That is, each charge destroys the battery capacity, just a little bit. Thus, batteries lose storage capacity over time.

Two things that are useful to know about a battery, on an ongoing basis, are the maximum charge capacity and the number of charge cycles it has gone through. Both give you an idea of how old your battery is. Not only in terms of years/months but old in terms of its expected life span.

The maximum charge capacity is a percentage of the original out-of-the-box charge capacity. On a new battery, it should be 100%. Note that this percentage is different from the percentage typically displayed. For example, if the original design capacity was 6,000mAh and the battery now can only store 4,000mAh (perfectly normal wear and tear) it has lost one third of its original capacity. A computing device, however, will report that the battery is 100% charged when its capacity is 4,000mAh. If your device does not last as long on a "full" charge, this is why.

Keeping a Lithium Ion battery fully charged at all times shortens its lifespan. Batteries last the longest (total lifetime in years, not just making it through the current day) when operating between 30 and 80% charged. A laptop that is plugged in all the time, should be set to never charge over 80% (maybe even 70%). Lithium-Ion batteries are under the most strain internally when they are fully charged or completely empty. They are the happiest at 50 percent charge. When storing a device for a long time without using it, do what you can to prevent the battery from fully draining.

Fast charging degrades Lithium-ion batteries more rapidly than the relatively slow 5-watt chargers of old.

A Brand-X charger could damage the battery. Chargers differ in the controls that limit the amount of current delivered and stop a device charging when the battery is full. An off-brand charger might not have such rigorous safety settings. If too much current is delivered to a battery it can leadi to degradation.

FYI: Charging a phone from a laptop computer does not damage the battery. This does a slow charge which, in general, is a good thing. Leo Notenboom has a good introduction to the concepts of Volts and Amps here Why Does My Phone Charge Slowly on Some Chargers? (Nov 15, 2023)

FYI: A smartphone battery typically works at optimal capacity for roughly two to three years.

FYI: Battery Percentage: It is very helpful on a mobile phone to have the current battery percentage always displayed.
 iOS: Settings -> battery -> battery percentage (requires iOS 16.1 or later)
 Android: search Settings for "Battery Percentage" (tested on Android 12,13,14)





iOS, iPhone, iPad





  1. Dim the display and use a dark background.
  2. Turn off Wi-Fi and 4G/5G and BlueTooth and turn them on, only when needed. Ditto for Location/GPS.
  3. Use Low Power Mode when available (more below)
  4. Limit the activity that apps can perform when they are running in the background (more below)
  5. Many games use a lot of computing horsepower, so don't play them.
  6. Batteries drain faster when hot, so try to keep the device cool.
  7. Have an available external battery.
    For laptops and Chromebooks, this article recommends three models priced from $47 to $150:
    The Best Power Banks for Laptops With USB-C by The WireCutter. Last Updated March 15, 2024.
    For phones and tablets, this article recommends three models from $39 to $70:
    The Best Portable Chargers and Power Banks for Phones and Tablets by The WireCutter. Last Updated July 24, 2024.


  1. Dim the display and/or dark background: Settings -> Display & Brightness -> use the slider bar
  2. To insure that you get the screen brightness you want, turn off the auto-brightness option at
    Settings -> Accessibility -> Display & Text Size -> disable Auto-Brightness
  3. Turn off Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth and/or 4G/LTE/5G if not needed
  4. Low Power Mode on both iPhone and iPad
    Settings -> Battery -> Low Power Mode
    I have read that Low Power Mode will automatically kick in when the battery falls below 20%. Manually turning it on only works if the battery is below 80%, above 80% Apple knows what is best for you and they will ignore your wishes.
    From Apple: Use Low Power Mode to save battery life on your iPhone or iPad Updated: May 21, 2024 and Sept 26, 2023
    From Apple: Use Low Power Mode to reduce power usage on iPhone for iOS 17
  5. Limit the activity that apps can perform when they are running in the background. You need to this every now and then as newly installed apps seem to default to being allowed to run in the background.
    iOS 18: Settings -> General -> Background App Refresh -> Choose which apps get to refresh periodically on their own and which ones get updates only when you are actively using them.
  6. Stop Siri from listening for your command:
    iOS 18: Settings -> Siri -> "Talk to Siri" -> turn OFF
  7. Turn off AirDrop: Settings -> General -> AirDrop -> Receiving Off
  8. The iPhone 14 and 15 have an Always-On display option. Turn that off
    Settings -> Display & Brightness -> disable Always On
  9. Turn off Location: Settings -> Privacy - >Location service
  10. Turn off Find My: Settings -> Your Name -> Find My -> Find My iPhone -> disable it
  11. If you have a phone that is able to run Apple Intelligence, then turn it off
    iOS 18.1: Settings -> Apple Intelligence & Siri
  12. And FYI: Don't turn off ProMotion to save iPhone 15 Pro battery life by Ben Lovejo for 9to5Mac. November 16, 2023
  13. Article: 10 best ways to actually save iPhone battery life by D. Griffin Jones for Cult of Mac. One tip: use Wi-Fi whenever possible as it takes less energy than 4G LTE, and much less than 5G.
  14. Article: How to Squeeze More Time Out of a Failing Phone Battery by J. D. Biersdorfer for the New York Times. August 28, 2024. Covers both iOS and Android.






Lithium-ion batteries swell in size when things have gone very wrong internally. A swollen battery is dangerous. Do not charge a device with a swollen battery. If the device is running, turn it off. The battery must be replaced and carefully recycled. Until you do, keeping it cool lessons the chance of a fire. In case it does catch on fire, keep it on non-flammable material. If you try to remove a swollen battery, do not puncture it. Maybe contact the hardware manufacture for specific instructions, if not removal instructions, then disposal instructions.

Why do batteries swell? Overcharging. Heat (especially over 100 degrees F). Physical damage (you dropped it).




 This page: 8 views per day (over 474 days)   Total views: 3,831   Created: October 28, 2023
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February 12, 2025
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Michael Horowitz
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